Before you take your life savings and invest it into a long shot investigate owning a real business first. It doesn't matter how the numbers are ran if you can't make the sale your business will fail. Here are several top reasons a new business owner fails to make the sale:
1. The first reason entrepreneurs fail is they don't know how to build relationships, exspose a need and close a sale.
2. Most new entrepreneurs just don't know how to sell and worse yet you've been lied into thinking, "The Product Sells Itself". Good luck with that. Be prepared to make the sale or fail.
3. Most business opportunities make false promises about the proper sales skills needed to make the business a success. Products and services don't sell themselves. If that was the reality why is the business opportunity struggling so hard to sell you?
4. Consumed with busy work new entrepreneurs fail to make the sale.
5. New entrepreneurs don't understand business marketing or marketing budgets.
6. A failure to understand, "Processing an order is not selling". It's "processing an order".
7. Entrepreneurs think quoting a job will get them work.
8. A loss of business self sufficiency planning.
9. Most new business owners don't use the vast amount of knowledge available to help them succeed.
These are a couple of the issues that new business owners run into. The theme is, "People don't like to sell". The problem is if you want to own your own business you must learn to sell your products and services. The true definition of selling is, "To sell someone something they didn't realize they needed before you met them." If you pick up the phone and process an order... well that's what you did, "process the order".
If you want to sell hamburgers, insurance, investments, flooring, roofs,
concrete, wireless dog fences you need to know how to sell. You also need to overcome your bad perception of sales.
Once you overcome the misconception of owning a business that, "there is no selling involved", you can head for success!
"BAB Marketing" has been designed to allow you to start your own business without a lot of capital. You can do this program part time or full time. The invest is minimal and reduces your risks. There is no affiliate program, no hidden secrets or other manipulated facts to capture your interest. The advertising and marketing business is a real business worth billions of dollars every year in the United States. As we've already determined all businesses sell something. "BAB Marketing" capitalizes on this revelation and offers 20th century marketing know-how wrapped with 21st century digital technology. The niche is huge! Over the past 10 to 15 years the digital revolution has opened a door for small business. Before digital processes a company was limited by budgets. Today we can provide the smallest business with the highest quality products and services for a fraction of the price.
Start today by purchasing the introduction to "BAB Marketing". Read the book, research the markets and ask yourself, Am I really ready to sell?". If you're ready then step out and go for it. If you think you can own a business and not sell... well I've been in business for myself for over 20 years and my suggestion to you is, "stay where you're at!". It'll be best if you just work for someone else and collect a salary counting chickens, swinging a hammer, recording some type of valuable information or maybe processing sales. Here are more key points:
- BAB Marketing teaches you to sell.
- The VCS systems teaches you how to process the order.
- The VCS system coaches you as you reach your goals.
- Training is provided
- A strong relationship is born between you and your client and between the Power Graphics team and you.
- You will build an enjoyable business that you'll be able to sell when retirment or other opportunities arise.